මනිපුලරෙන්ඩේ නාරිවේදියා

නීතිමය ගැටුම්වලදී චිත්තවේගීය හැසිරවීම සහ ස්වාර්ථවාදය

In legal conflicts with a narcissistic opponent, emotional manipulation is a powerful and often destructive tactic. Narcissists use manipulation to gain control of the situation and influence others. This can unnecessarily complicate matters and lead to confusion, frustration and stress

In legal matters, such as divorce, custody, or child support disputes, this manipulation can result in a disadvantageous position for the victim. How do you recognize emotional manipulation, and how can you take legal action against it? Our නීතිඥයෝ understand the complex dynamics of narcissistic behavior, and we help clients see through the manipulation and protect their rights.

මනිපුලරෙන්ඩේ නාරිවේදියා

  1. ගෑස් ආලෝකය

One of the most common techniques of emotional manipulation used by narcissists is gaslighting. They try to make you doubt your memories, perceptions, and feelings. They deny facts or put a different spin on events to make you insecure. This can be particularly damaging in a court case, especially if the narcissist manages to convince the judge or others involved that your memories are unreliable.

අපේ ප්‍රවේශය: Document conversations and agreements in writing or digitally as much as possible so that you always have tangible evidence. This makes it harder for the narcissist to distort facts. In addition, make sure your lawyer has insight into the manipulative tactics being used.

  1. ප්රක්ෂේපණය

Narcissists often blame others for their own mistakes and unwanted behavior. We call this projection. Instead of taking responsibility, they will turn the tables and blame you for things they do. In a legal context, they may claim that you are lying, manipulating, or letting the situation get out of hand. This can put the judge or other parties involved on the wrong foot.

අපේ ප්‍රවේශය: We help you shift the focus to objective facts. Together, we gather the necessary evidence to prove that the accusations are unfounded and that it is the narcissist who is causing the problem. Don’t be tempted by emotional responses. Let the evidence speak for itself.

  1. Adopting the victim role

Narcissists adopt the victim role even when they are the ones harming others. They do this to get sympathy and support from others, including the judge. They try to divert attention from their actions and gain pity.

අපේ ප්‍රවේශය: Work with your lawyer to show the true story through facts and evidence. Make sure you see through the emotional manipulation and are prepared for it. We present the facts with witness statements, documentary evidence, and sound legal strategies.

  1. The narcissist creates confusion

In a complex divorce with a narcissistic ex-partner, the narcissist may use legal proceedings as a weapon to manipulate and pressure you. They try to hide information or delay legal proceedings. They often hide financial details by concealing income or assets in child support cases.

අපේ ප්‍රවේශය: We anticipate these tactics and prepare our clients well. We ensure that the judge gets a complete picture of the situation despite the confusion the narcissist tries to create. Our lawyers ensure that the facts remain central and that you are legally protected.


Emotional manipulation by a narcissistic adversary can throw you off balance, but with the proper legal guidance, you can stand firm. Law & More specializes in counseling clients in complex cases involving narcissism and manipulation. It is important to recognize manipulative tactics and adjust your strategy accordingly. With thorough preparation, evidence, and support from an experienced lawyer, you can defend yourself against these forms of deception and ensure that the case is fair.

While every case is unique and outcomes may vary, we ensure you are well prepared and build a strong case. Contact us today and find out how we can help you.

Law & More